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Who makes the nicest pre-formed carpet kit for a Comanche?

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Bought mine from ebay and it wasn't much. The carpet was ok, but the backing was not "right". I used some of the backing from my old carpet to try and fill in places where it looked wrinkled because of poor fit. Good enough for an old truck?, I suppose. But, I would wait for more responses.

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Ordering my carpet kit from Rockauto.com unless anyone has anything negative to say in the next 30 minutes. I will be ordering the most basic one since I cannot find a single person telling me I have to spend all the extra money for the "upgraded" units.

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Will do. So far it seems as if everyone is getting the standard carpet instead of the Essex. I have yet to find anyone that gets the "massbacking." When my 20 year old vinyl came out there was normal surface rust under it and as we all know the vinyl holds lots of moisture. So hopefully even though the cheapest carpet will have the woolen like backing, now it cam breath up through the carpet instead of just sit there.

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I guess it's to late to chime in that I upgraded my carpet to the mass backing type. I wanted to get the most sound deadning I could get since carpet always has that insulation and waxy coating on it. Mine fit very well and the price was worth it to me, since I had new floorpans installed I wanted to make it quiet because I would hope water wouldn't make it in again.


Here are some pics, I don't have very good ones but when I remove the interior again to dynamat everything I will take better ones.







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